

dear De


As a person who learns through doing rather than watching, I was doubtful that watching a workshop onscreen would be useful to me. Boy was I wrong! I was fascinated โ€“ sucked in straightaway and scribbling down notes like a madwoman. To see every single step from blank canvas to finished painting, and to be able to selectively go back through the chapters & see bits time and time again was fantastic. The drop-down titles really helped with learning the vocabulary of painting & the names of the products used. I have attended multiple workshops & classes with De, and truly thought I understood about glazing; but she managed to teach me even more during this video workshop. Now that I understand about different knives and brushes & how to use them, I have gifted myself some exciting new tools to use in my next paintings. Thanks, De, for your incredible generosity and the way you donโ€™t hold anything back!


I LOVED this course! Loved that I could go back again and again and re-learn.
Have done a face to face class with De in the past, and found this online course to be filled with the same generous teaching, and wonderful enthusiasm. Only limitation is not having someone around to comment on what you have done โ€“ but it does address generic problem solving.
Would HIGHLY recommend this โ€“ just ordered the two inking courses โ€ฆ. time to play


De Gillett is an incredibly talented artist. She is a generous and enthusiastic teacher of art and her style of teaching is very encouraging and supportive. I would recommend anyone who wants to learn to paint or draw to attend one of De’s classes. You will be blown away by her ability to help you achieve your best and beyond!


De is an excellent teacher with a kind and generous soul – absolutely love going to her workshops. Her classes have definitely been the highlight of my 2017 calendar.






De is an excellent teacher with a kind and generous soul – absolutely love going to her workshops. Her classes have definitely been the highlight of my 2017 calendar.





De is so patient with us all. She pushes us to excellence, but she’ll gives us 50 goes at it if that’s what it takes.


dear De


I have found the online inks workshop to be a very useful resource. The attention to detail for setting up your drawing was particularly beneficial. I was able to replay till I perfected the technique. I canโ€™t wait to go through all the steps as the painting develops. De explains the technique at each step with great clarity. This workshop is awesome.


I am so excited since I started painting at Arts Tree. I’ve got a new lease on life- I’ve been sewing again, and making meals from scratch… I can’t wait for Wednesday every week!


The week at work goes so quickly. You’ve just got to get to Wednesday, that’s hump day. Then Thursday you’re all excited because it’s art that night, then there’s only Friday and you’re done. And if you’re lucky, you get to come to a weekend workshop as well!
